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Mina CLI Reference

The Mina CLI (Command Line Interface) is the primary way for users to interact with the Mina network. It provides standard client functionality to create accounts, send transactions, and participate in consensus. There are also advanced client and daemon commands for power users.

The Mina CLI is installed when you install Mina.


Mina APIs are always improving. See mina help for the most up-to-date version.

Mina Accounts

$ mina accounts help

Client commands concerning account management

mina accounts SUBCOMMAND

=== subcommands ===

list List all owned accounts
create Create new account
import Import a password protected private key to be tracked by the daemon.
Set MINA_PRIVKEY_PASS environment variable to use non-interactively
(key will be imported using the same password).
export Export a tracked account so that it can be saved or transferred
between machines.
Set MINA_PRIVKEY_PASS environment variable to use non-interactively
(key will be exported using the same password).
unlock Unlock a tracked account
lock Lock a tracked account
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

Mina Client

$ mina client help

Lightweight client commands

mina client SUBCOMMAND

=== subcommands ===

get-balance Get balance associated with a public key
get-tokens Get all token IDs that a public key has accounts for
send-payment Send payment to an address
delegate-stake Delegate your stake to another public key
cancel-transaction Cancel a transaction -- this submits a replacement
transaction with a fee larger than the cancelled
set-snark-worker Set key you wish to snark work with or disable snark
set-snark-work-fee Set fee reward for doing transaction snark work
export-logs Export daemon logs to tar archive
export-local-logs Export local logs (no daemon) to tar archive
stop-daemon Stop the daemon
status Get running daemon status
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

Mina Daemon

$ mina daemon -help

Mina daemon

mina daemon

=== flags ===

--libp2p-keypair KEYFILE Keypair (generated from
`mina libp2p
generate-keypair`) to use
with libp2p discovery
(alias: -libp2p-keypair)
[--all-peers-seen-metric true|false] whether to track the set
of all peers ever seen
for the all_peers metric
(default: false)
[--archive-address HOST:PORT/LOCALHOST-PORT] Daemon to archive process
communication. If HOST is
omitted, then localhost
is assumed to be HOST.
(examples: 3086,
(alias: -archive-address)
[--archive-rocksdb] Stores all the blocks
heard in RocksDB
(alias: -archive-rocksdb)
[--background] Run process on the
(alias: -background)
[--bind-ip IP] IP of network interface
to use for peer
(alias: -bind-ip)
[--block-producer-key KEYFILE] Private key file for the
block producer. You
cannot provide both
`block-producer-key` and
(default: don't produce
blocks). Warning: If the
key is from a zkApp
account, the account's
receive permission must
be None.
[--block-producer-password PASSWORD] Password associated with
the block-producer key.
Setting this is
equivalent to setting the
environment variable. Be
careful when setting it
in the commandline as it
will likely get tracked
in your history. Mainly
to be used from the
daemon.json config file
[--block-producer-pubkey PUBLICKEY] Public key for the
associated private key
that is being tracked by
this daemon. You cannot
provide both
`block-producer-key` and
(default: don't produce
blocks). Warning: If the
key is from a zkApp
account, the account's
receive permission must
be None.
[--client-port PORT] local RPC-server for
clients to interact with
the daemon (default:
(alias: -client-port)
[--coinbase-receiver PUBLICKEY] Address to send coinbase
rewards to (if this node
is producing blocks). If
not provided, coinbase
rewards will be sent to
the producer of a block.
Warning: If the key is
from a zkApp account, the
account's receive
permission must be None.
[--config-directory DIR] Configuration directory
[--config-file PATH] ... path to a configuration
file (overrides
Pass multiple times to
override fields from
earlier config files
(alias: -config-file)
[--contact-info contact] info used in node error
report service (it could
be either email address
or discord username), it
should be less than 200
(alias: -contact-info)
[--demo-mode] Run the daemon in
demo-mode -- assume we're
"synced" to the network
(alias: -demo-mode)
[--direct-peer /ip4/IPADDR/tcp/PORT/p2p/PEERID] ... Peers to always send new
messages to/from. These
peers should also have
you configured as a
direct peer, the
relationship is intended
to be symmetric
(alias: -direct-peer)
[--disable-node-status] Disable reporting node
status to other nodes
(default: enabled)
[--enable-flooding true|false] Publish our own
blocks/transactions to
every peer we can find
(default: false)
(alias: -enable-flooding)
[--enable-peer-exchange true|false] Help keep the mesh
connected when closing
connections (default:
[--external-ip IP] External IP address for
other nodes to connect
to. You only need to set
this if auto-discovery
fails for some reason.
(alias: -external-ip)
[--external-port PORT] Port to use for all
libp2p communications
(gossip and RPC)
(default: 8302)
(alias: -external-port)
[--file-log-level LEVEL] Set log level for the log
default: Trace)
(alias: -file-log-level)
[--file-log-rotations Number] of file log rotations
before overwriting old
logs (default: 50)
[--gc-stat-interval INTERVAL] in mins for collecting GC
stats for metrics
(Default: 15.000000)
[--generate-genesis-proof true|false] Deprecated. Passing this
flag has no effect
[--genesis-ledger-dir DIR] Directory that contains
the genesis ledger and
the genesis blockchain
proof (default:
[--insecure-rest-server] Have REST server listen
on all addresses, not
just localhost (this is
INSECURE, make sure your
firewall is configured
[--internal-tracing] Enables internal tracing
[--isolate-network true|false] Only allow connections to
the peers passed on the
command line or
configured through
GraphQL. (default: false)
(alias: -isolate-network)
[--itn-graphql-port PORT] GraphQL-server for
incentivized testnet
[--itn-keys PUBLICKEYS] A comma-delimited list of
Ed25519 public keys that
are permitted to send
signed requests to the
incentivized testnet
GraphQL server
(alias: -itn-keys)
[--itn-max-logs NN] Maximum number of logs to
store to be made
available via GraphQL for
incentivized testnet
(alias: -itn-max-logs)
[--libp2p-metrics-port PORT] libp2p metrics server for
scraping via Prometheus
(default no
[--limited-graphql-port PORT] GraphQL-server for
limited daemon
[--log-block-creation true|false] Log the steps involved in
including transactions
and snark work in a block
(default: true)
[--log-json] Print log output as JSON
(default: plain text)
(alias: -log-json)
[--log-level LEVEL] Set log level
default: Info)
(alias: -log-level)
[--log-precomputed-blocks true|false] Include precomputed
blocks in the log
(default: false)
[--log-snark-work-gossip true|false] Log snark-pool diff
received from peers
(default: false)
[--log-txn-pool-gossip true|false] Log transaction-pool diff
received from peers
(default: false)
[--max-connections NN] max number of connections
that this peer will have
to neighbors in the
gossip network. Tuning
this higher will
strengthen your
connection to the network
in exchange for using
more RAM (default: 50)
(alias: -max-connections)
[--metrics-port PORT] metrics server for
scraping via Prometheus
(default no
(alias: -metrics-port)
[--min-connections NN] min number of connections
that this peer will have
to neighbors in the
gossip network (default:
(alias: -min-connections)
[--minimum-block-reward AMOUNT] Minimum reward a block
produced by the node
should have. Empty blocks
are created if the
rewards are lower than
the specified threshold
(default: No threshold,
transactions and coinbase
will be included as long
as the required snark
work is available and can
be paid for)
[--no-super-catchup] Don't use super-catchup
[--node-error-url URL] of the node error
collection service
(alias: -node-error-url)
[--node-status-url URL] of the node status
collection service
(alias: -node-status-url)
[--open-limited-graphql-port] Have the limited GraphQL
server listen on all
addresses, not just
localhost (this is
INSECURE, make sure your
firewall is configured
[--peer /ip4/IPADDR/tcp/PORT/p2p/PEERID] ... initial "bootstrap" peers
for discovery
(alias: -peer)
[--peer-list-file PATH] path to a file containing
"bootstrap" peers for
discovery, one
multiaddress per line
(alias: -peer-list-file)
[--peer-list-url URL] URL of seed peer list
file. Will be polled
(alias: -peer-list-url)
[--peer-protection-rate float] Proportion of peers to be
marked as protected
(default: 0.2)
[--precomputed-blocks-file PATH] Path to write precomputed
blocks to, for replay or
[--proof-level full|check|none] Internal, for testing.
Start or connect to a
network with full proving
(full), snark-testing
with dummy proofs
(check), or dummy proofs
(alias: -proof-level)
[--proposed-protocol-version NN.NN.NN] Proposed protocol version
to signal other nodes
[--rest-port PORT] local REST-server for
daemon interaction
(default: 3085)
(alias: -rest-port)
[--run-snark-coordinator PUBLICKEY] Run a SNARK coordinator
with this public key
(ignored if the
run-snark-worker is set).
Warning: If the key is
from a zkApp account, the
account's receive
permission must be None.
[--run-snark-worker PUBLICKEY] Run the SNARK worker with
this public key. Warning:
If the key is from a
zkApp account, the
account's receive
permission must be None.
[--seed] Start the node as a seed
(alias: -seed)
[--snark-worker-fee FEE] Amount a worker wants to
get compensated for
generating a snark proof
(default: 100000000)
[--snark-worker-parallelism NUM] Run the SNARK worker
using this many threads.
Equivalent to setting
doesn't affect block
[--stop-time UPTIME] in hours after which the
daemon stops itself (only
if there were no slots
won within an hour after
the stop time) (Default:
(alias: -stop-time)
[--tracing] Trace into
(alias: -tracing)
[--upload-blocks-to-gcloud true|false] upload blocks to gcloud
storage. Requires the
environment variables
[--uptime-send-node-commit-sha] true|false Whether to
send the commit SHA used
to build the node to the
uptime service. (default:
[--uptime-submitter-key KEYFILE] Private key file for the
uptime submitter. You
cannot provide both
[--uptime-submitter-pubkey PUBLICKEY] Public key of the
submitter to the Mina
delegation program, for
the associated private
key that is being tracked
by this daemon. You
cannot provide both
[--uptime-url URL] URL of the uptime service
of the Mina delegation
(alias: -uptime-url)
[--validation-queue-size NN] size of the validation
queue in the p2p network
used to buffer messages
(like blocks and
transactions received on
the gossip network) while
validation is pending. If
a transaction, for
example, is invalid, we
don't forward the message
on the gossip net. If
this queue is too small,
we will drop messages
without validating them.
If it is too large, we
are susceptible to DoS
attacks on memory.
(default: 150)
[--work-reassignment-wait WAIT-TIME] in ms before a snark-work
is reassigned (default:
[--work-selection seq|rand] Choose work sequentially
(seq) or randomly (rand)
(default: rand)
(alias: -work-selection)
[--working-dir PATH] path to chdir into before
starting (useful for
background mode, defaults
to cwd, or / if
(alias: -working-dir)
[-help] print this help text and
(alias: -?)

Mina Advanced

$ mina advanced help

Advanced client commands

mina advanced SUBCOMMAND

=== subcommands ===

add-peers Add peers to the daemon
Addresses take the format
archive-blocks Archive a block from a file.
If an archive address is given, this process will
communicate with the archive node directly;
otherwise it will communicate through the daemon
over the rest-server
batch-send-payments Send multiple payments from a file
chain-id-inputs Print the inputs that yield the current chain id
client-trustlist Client trustlist management
compile-time-constants Print a JSON map of the compile-time consensus
compute-receipt-chain-hash Compute the next receipt chain hash from the
previous hash and transaction ID
constraint-system-digests Print MD5 digest of each SNARK constraint
dump-keypair Print out a keypair from a private key file
generate-keypair Generate a new public, private keypair
get-nonce Get the current nonce for an account
get-peers List the peers currently connected to the daemon
get-public-keys Get public keys
get-trust-status Get the trust status associated with an IP address
get-trust-status-all Get trust statuses for all peers known to the
trust system
hash-transaction Compute the hash of a transaction from its
transaction ID
itn-create-accounts Fund new accounts for incentivized testnet
node-status Get node statuses for a set of peers
object-lifetime-statistics Dump internal object lifetime statistics to JSON
pending-snark-work List of snark works in JSON format that are not
available in the pool yet
pooled-user-commands Retrieve all the user commands that are pending
pooled-zkapp-commands Retrieve all the zkApp commands that are pending
reset-trust-status Reset the trust status associated with an IP
runtime-config Compute the runtime configuration used by a
running daemon
send-rosetta-transactions Dispatch one or more transactions, provided to
stdin in rosetta format
set-coinbase-receiver Set the coinbase receiver
snark-job-list List of snark jobs in JSON format that are yet to
be included in the blocks
snark-pool-list List of snark works in the snark pool in JSON
start-internal-tracing Start internal tracing to
start-tracing Start async tracing to
status-clear-hist Clear histograms reported in status
stop-internal-tracing Stop internal tracing
stop-tracing Stop async tracing
thread-graph Return a Graphviz Dot graph representation of the
internal thread hierarchy
time-offset Get the time offset in seconds used by the daemon
to convert real time into blockchain time
validate-keypair Validate a public, private keypair
validate-transaction Validate the signature on one or more
transactions, provided to stdin in rosetta format
verify-receipt Verify a receipt of a sent payment
visualization Visualize data structures special to Mina
vrf Commands for vrf evaluations
wrap-key Wrap a private key into a private key file
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

Mina Generate Keypair

$ mina-generate-keypair -help

Generate a new public, private keypair


=== flags ===

--privkey-path FILE File to write private key into (public key will be
(alias: -privkey-path)
[-build-info] print info about this build and exit
[-version] print the version of this build and exit
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)

MIna Validate Keypair

$ mina-validate-keypair -help

Validate a public, private keypair


=== flags ===

--privkey-path FILE File to write private key into (public key will be
(alias: -privkey-path)
[-build-info] print info about this build and exit
[-version] print the version of this build and exit
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)