TestPublicKey | - |
Transaction | - |
ActionStates | - |
FeePayerSpec | Allows you to specify information about the fee payer account and the transaction. |
IncludedTransaction | Represents a transaction that has been successfully included in a block. |
NetworkConstants | - |
PendingTransaction | Represents a transaction that has been submitted to the blockchain but has not yet reached a final state. |
PendingTransactionPromise | A Promise<PendingTransaction> with an additional wait method, which calls |
PendingTransactionStatus | - |
RejectedTransaction | Represents a transaction that has been rejected and not included in a blockchain block. |
TestPublicKey | - |
Transaction | Defines the structure and operations associated with a transaction. |
activeInstance | - |
LocalBlockchain | A mock Mina blockchain running locally and useful for testing. |
Network | Represents the Mina blockchain running on a real network |
TestPublicKey | - |
currentSlot | - |
currentTransaction | - |
faucet | Requests the testnet faucet to fund a public key. |
fetchActions | - |
fetchEvents | - |
filterGroups | - |
getAccount | - |
getActions | - |
getBalance | - |
getNetworkConstants | - |
getNetworkId | - |
getNetworkState | - |
getProofsEnabled | - |
hasAccount | Checks if an account exists within the ledger. |
sender | Returns the public key of the current transaction's sender account. |
setActiveInstance | Set the currently used Mina instance. |
transaction | Construct a smart contract transaction. Within the callback passed to this function, |
waitForFunding | - |